State Highway 22
Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Admission 2025 - 2026

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The Academic System of Jagan Nath University, Bahadurgarh, Haryana has been designed such that it promotes realization of Founders’ Vision of ‘developing University as a centre of excellence with focus on quality education, research, skill development, industry linkage and holistic concerns of human life, environment and society for the ultimate benefit of the youth of the country’. The system focuses on providing education that helps students acquiring desirable skills through in depth study of discipline specific courses as well as broad knowledge of the wider world. The basic objective is to give students right type of education and preparing them deal with challenges of modern organizations characterized by complexity, diversity and change in the new economy. The emphasis is on promoting interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives of learning along with study in major subjects. The system is in full consonance with the UGC guidelines on Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). The features of CBCS which include flexibility in the choice of courses and credits, continuous evaluation process, uniform grading system, and courses classification into core, electives, ability enhancement compulsory courses and skill development courses are in-built in the process. The CBCS provides for flexibility in designing curriculum with Mark to Market approach and assign credits based on course content and hours of teaching. It accelerates the teaching-learning process and enables vertical and horizontal mobility in learning. To enhance quality standards the system lays special emphasis on research, innovations, skill development, technology and human values in learning process. The four pillars that drive the university education at JNUB are quality education, skill development, holistic approach and industry linkage. This academic system applies to all UG and PG programs offered by the University.


The University offers UG and PG programs in various disciplines. The list of the programs and duration are given as at Annexure -1. The general guidelines governing the conduct of the programs are as under:

UG Programs
  • The minimum total credit requirements to get Pass Degree in 3 years program are 120 credits, for Hons. Degree 130 credits, for B.Tech. 140 credits and for B.Arch. 150 credits.
  • A student is required to take on an average 20 credits per semester and 40 credits per year. However, keeping in view the nature of the program, the credit requirement may change marginally.
  • The students will have the option to choose courses from another discipline also under open electives category depending upon time and course availability.
  • Internship and major research project are an essential component of curriculum in each graduate Program.
PG Programs
  • The minimum credit requirements for PG program of two years duration would be 80 credits, with an average of 20 credits per semester. The students will have the freedom to take more or less than this limit as per the program requirements.
  • The students may opt for additional courses from foundation courses offered by the university depending upon the availability during a particular semester.
  • Summer internship and major research project are an essential component in each PG Program.
Type of Courses

Courses in a program of study are classified into four categories i.e. Core, Electives, Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC) and Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC).

  1. Core Courses

    These are the courses which are to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the degree in a program of study. They are compulsory courses generally given in the beginning semester(s) to build up basic knowledge in any academic program. The weightage for this category is suggested to be 15-20 percent of the total degree credit requirements.

  2. Elective Courses

    Elective course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of papers. It may be

    1. Supportive to the discipline of study
    2. Providing an expanded scope
    3. Enabling an exposure to some other discipline/domain
    4. Nurturing students proficiency/skills

    They are the depth courses designed to achieve any/all of the above objectives in any degree program. They help build expertise and skills in the degree domain area.
    Further, elective courses may be divided into two categories i.e. Generic Centric/Open Elective and Discipline Centric/Specific Elective. ‘Generic Elective’ refers to those courses which add generic proficiency to the students and may be chosen from unrelated discipline. ‘Discipline Centric’ adds to subject expertise and are offered under the main discipline/ subject of study.

    The weightage for electives in degree program is suggested to be 60 percent.

  3. Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses

    AECC are based upon the content that leads to knowledge enhancement. For example, English Communication, Environment Studies, Disaster Management, Computer Application, Community Service, etc.

  4. Skill Enhancement Courses

    SEC courses provide value based and/or skill based knowledge and may have content both Theory and Lab/Training/Field Work. The main purpose of these courses is to provide students life skills and hands on mode so as to improve their employability.

    The weightage for category 3 & 4 above is suggested to be 20-25 percent of the total credits. However, keeping in view the nature and specific requirements of any degree program there may be some variations in the relative weightage with in the categories as suggested above.

Salient Features

The Academic System of JNUB has the following salient features:

  • Choice Based Credit System

    The system reflects implementation of the UGC guidelines on Choice Based Credit System. The semester system is followed to implement CBCS in all the programs.

  • Freedom of choice of courses

    The students may take up any subject offered by the University after checking its availability and pre-requisite requirements.

  • Freedom of choice of credits

    A student is expected to take on an average 20 credits per semester. This limit may increase or decrease by 5 credits as per individual choice and capacity.

  • Basic Pillars of academic philosophy

    Research and Innovations, Skill Development, Holistic Approach, Industry Linkage, Human Values are the pillars of academic philosophy followed in the University and reflected in course curriculum content and pedagogy of each program.

  • Mark to Market Approach

    It gives freedom to teachers in designing the curriculum in response to the changing requirements of industry and employability. Course up-gradation is a regular feature.

  • Emphasis on Research

    Research as an integral component of course curriculum in UG and PG program. The students may take real time live projects on regular basis in addition to major research project.

  • Continuous Evaluation System

    In all programs continuous evaluation system is followed which carries 30% weightage in evaluation process.

  • Minimum Degree Requirements

    The minimum credit requirements to qualify for degree are fixed for each program. A student will have the freedom to take extra courses and credits to enhance skill sets.

  • Classification of Courses

    In each program, the courses are classified into core, electives, ability enhancement and skill enhancement categories. AECC courses are mandatory for the students across disciplines. This category includes courses on English Communication, Environment Studies, Disaster Management, Computer Applications, Community Service, etc.

  • Internship and Major Research Project

    Industry internships and major research project are the essential components of curriculum in all UG and PG programs in the University.

The Grading System
  1. The grading system takes into account the performance of a student in examinations conducted at various stages i.e. classroom tests, mid-term and end-term examination. The evaluation of different components of a course is done in terms of marks first. The aggregate marks (internal + external) obtained in a course are taken as notional marks. The notional marks are multiplied by credits assigned to the course and divided by 10 to obtain Grade Point (GP).
  2. The sum of Grade Point of all the courses in a particular semester divided by the total number of credits in that semester determines the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA.) The SGPA is calculated only on passing of all courses of a semester.
  3. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is determined on the basis of sum of GP of all courses up to that semester divided by the number of total credits up to that semester.
  4. The CGPA will be calculated only on passing of all papers of the preceding semester (s).

    The GP, SGPA and CGPA will be calculated by the following formula:

    • GP= (Notional Marks X No. of credits of course)/10 
    • SGPA= (Sum of GP of all Course) / (Total Number of Credits in Semester) 
    • CGPA= (Sum of GP up to that Semester) / (Total Number of Credits up to that Semester)
  5. The overall percentage of marks obtained is determined by multiplying the SGPA or CGPA, as the case may be, by 10.
  6. Two methods i.e. Relative Grading and Absolute Grading are in vogue for awarding grades in a course. The relative grading is based on the distribution (usually normal distribution) of marks obtained by all the students of the course and grades are awarded based on a cut-off marks or percentile. Under absolute grading, the marks are converted into grades based on pre-determined class intervals. The University follows absolute grading system on 10 point scale in all the courses.
  7. The Letter Grades are determined on the basis of overall percentage of marks as per the following table:

    MARKS (%)



























    A student obtaining Grade F shall be considered failed and will be required to reappear in the examination.
    For non credit courses Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory shall be indicated instead of the letter grade and this will not be counted for the computation of SGPA/CGPA.

  8. The academic performance of a candidate will be determined on the basis of Letter Grades and will be displayed in final transcript, as under:

    Letter Grade

    Grade Point

    O (Outstanding)




    A(Very Good)




    B(Above Average)




    P (Pass)




    Ab (Absent)


    The successful candidates shall be classified into divisions on the basis of marks obtained by them and the division will be indicated in their degree as given under:-

    First Division with distinction

    If marks are 75% or more.

    First Division

    If marks are 60% or more and less than 75%.

    Second Division

    If marks are 50% or more and less than 60%


    If marks are 40% or more and less than 50%

Continuous Evaluation Process

Each course has a certain number of credits, which reflects its weightage. Credit is a unit by which course work is measured. It determines the number of hours of instructions required per week Credits of a course are determined as under:-

For all lecture/tutorial work, one lecture (one hour duration) per week per semester constitutes one credit. For practical/field work two hours of work per week for semester is one credit. The Program structure of degree will clearly indicate the credits assigned to different courses.

Every candidate shall be examined in the course (s) as laid down in the syllabus approved by the Academic Council from time to time. The credits for each paper and the contact hours per week will be specified in the Program scheme.

Each paper will have Maximum Marks 100 in the ratio of 70% end-term and 30% internal continuous evaluation process, irrespective of the credits assigned to it. The marks obtained by a student out of 100 will be treated as notional marks. These notional marks (marks obtained) will be multiplied by the Credits to get grade point for each course.

The grade awarded to a student in any particular course will be based on performance of the student in Mid-Term, attendance and co-curricular activities (assignment, viva-voce, lab. work, seminar, workshop, presentations, group discussions, quiz, etc.) and external End Semester examination conducted at the end of semester.

The details of evaluation process for internal and external assessment are given in University Regulations of Examination and Evaluation, available on the Website also

The End Semester examination for the Odd semesters shall ordinarily be held in the month of December and for the Even semesters in the month of May, on such dates as may be scheduled by the University. It will be an external examination, to be conducted by the Examination Branch of the University

List of Programs for the Session 2019-20

Sr. No



Number of Seats


Selection Procedure

Faculty of Engineering and Technology


B. Tech (Engineering)

4 Years


Passed 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry /Biotechnology / Biology / Technical Vocational subject.

Obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) in the above subjects taken together.

JEE (Main) & Interview


M. Tech (Engineering)

2 Years


B. Tech./ B.E. (60%)/ MCA/ M.Sc. (Physics/ Maths)/ M.Sc. (Electronics), M.Sc. (CS/IT) (55%)

GATE/ NET/ SLET/ JUEE & Interview

Faculty of Architecture and Planning


 Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)

5 Years


Passed 10+2 (Or) 10+3 Diploma Examination with PCM having obtained at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) marks in Aggregate.
Qualifying NATA (Or) Any other Aptitude Test conducted
by Competent Authority of the State Government.

NATA/ JEE (Main) & Interview

Faculty of Management and Commerce



2 Years


Recognized Bachelor’s Degree of minimum 3 years duration.
Obtained at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category) at the qualifying Examination.




3 Years


10+2 with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit


BBA (Logistics)

3 Years


10+2 with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit


B.Com (H)

3 Years


10+2 with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit

Faculty of Law


Bachelor of Arts and Laws (BA.LLB)

5 Years


10+2 with min 45% marks



Master of Laws (LLM)

1 Year


LLB/ BA.LLB/ BBA.LLB from a Recognized University

Q.E. Merit

Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication


Bachelor of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) - (BA-JMC)

3 Years


10+2 with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit


MA (Journalism and Mass Communication)

2 Years


Graduate in any discipline with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit

Faculty of Education


Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)

2 Years


Graduate/ PG in any discipline with min 50% marks

State Entrance Test


Master of Education (M.Ed.)

2 Years


B.Ed. with min. 50% marks

Q.E. Merit


Bachelor of Arts/Science and Education (BA/B.Sc./B.Ed.)

4 Years


10+2 with min 50% marks

Q.E. Merit

Faculty of Sciences


B.Sc. (H) Agriculture

4 Years


10+2 in Science Stream with min. 50 % marks

State Entrance Test


B.Sc.(Medical and Non-Medical)

3 Years


10+2 in Science Stream with min. 50 % marks


Faculty of Medical and Allied Health Sciences


Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)

4 ½ Years


Candidate should have passed 10+2 (12th standard) or equivalent examination with science stream i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with at least 50% marks.

Q.E. Merit


Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)

2 Years


BPT with min. 50% marks

Q.E. Merit



4 Years


10+2 in Science Stream with min. 50 % marks

Q.E. Merit


Diploma in Pharmacy**

2 Years


10+2 in Science Stream with min. 50 % marks

Q.E. Merit

Ph. D Programs


Ph. D
(Engineering, Management, Law, Education and Physiotherapy)

3 Yrs.

As per availability

Master in relevant discipline with min. 60% marks

Entrance Exam & Interview

Faculty of Vocational Studies


B.Voc Programs (various streams) -Annexure - 1

3 Years (Modular Form)

As per NSDC / AICTE guidelines

As per NSDC norms

Q.E. Merit


NSDC Approved Certificate/Diploma Program Courses (various sectors) - Annexure - 2

As per NSDC norms

As per norms

As per NSDC norms

Q.E. Merit and Interview


B.Voc Programs


B.Voc (Banking and Finance)

3 Years (Modular Form)

As per NSDC / AICTE guidelines

As per NSDC norms

Q.E. Merit



B.Voc (Fashion Technology)


B.Voc (Hotel Management)


B.Voc (Journalism and Media Management)


B.Voc (Interior Design)


B.Voc (Jewellery Design)


B.Voc (Retail Management)


B.Voc (Information Technology and Software Development)


B.Voc (VFx Film Making and Animation)


B.Voc (Bakery and Cookery)


B.Voc (Entrepreneurship)


M.Voc (Interior Design)


Certificate/Diploma in Diet and Nutrition


NSDC Approved Certificate/Diploma ProgramCourses



Automotive Sector
Automotive Service Technician level 4;
Repair Welder;
Lathe Operator;
Automotive Electrician Level;
Repair Painter Auto Body L4

As per NSDC norms

As per norms

As per NSDC norms

Q.E. Merit and Interview



Capital Goods
Fitter Electronic & Electrical Assembly;
CNC-Operator turning;
Service Engineer - Installation & Commissioning


Sr. Tech Pre Stress


Equity Dealer;
Mutual Funds Agent


Service Engineer;
Embedded Software Engineer;
CCTV Installation Technician;
Solar Panel Installation Technician


Media & Entertainment
Camera operator;
Director of photography;


Legal Associate;
Test Engineer


Consumer Energy Meter Tech;
Lineman Construction Distribution

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