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Bahadurgarh, Haryana

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Annual Prize Distribution

The Annual Prize distribution ceremony is organized, every year, toacknowledge and appreciate the exceptional and outstanding performanceof students. The ceremony is graced by dignitaries fromacademics, Sports and Games etc. Meritorious students are given mementos andcertificates of appreciation. The Prize Distribution ceremonyis asignificant event of the University and on this day to felicitate the youngachievers.

It wasn’t only Academic Excellence that was appreciated but alsostudents associated in Sports and Games . To make this event successful, students, teachers and different club made a lot of arrangements.Theawards, trophies and certificates were conferred upon the well deservingstudent by the Members of the Management

The programme is generally commenced with the formal welcome of thedignitaries. This was followed by the lighting of the Ceremonial lampwhich set the ambience for the Ceremony as divine blessings wereinvoked by all. The Annual Report presented by the Vice Chancellor showcased the exemplary achievements of the University and set thefeelings of inspiration and motivation. It was indeed a proud moment not only for the recipients of the awards but also for their Parents whohadbeen invited to partake in the glory of their child(ren)’s success.

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