State Highway 22
Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Admission 2025 - 2026

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The library of JNUB is fully air conditioned with cozy and comfortable sitting arrangements for the readers. Carrel facility is also available for faculty and research scholars for intensive study of text without disturbance. The retrieval and location system of books is computerized.

The library is fully computerized having DELNET and MANUPATRA Membership. It is a veritable storehouse of information with ample number of text and reference books, national and international periodicals and journals, thesis and dissertations. The library has a special collection of prescribed text books called ‘Book Bank’. The library provides the latest research and reference material in print and audio-visual formats along with the facility to refer to e-journals, CDs, Project Reports, Government Publications, Reports and Newsletters. The library is being strengthened through digitization to provide access to MOOC and other online courses. Keeping in mind the needs of the students, the multiple copies of the standard textbooks have been stocked.

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