State Highway 22
Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Admission 2025 - 2026

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Extra Curricular Programme

The University has established various clubs for all round personality development of students. Notably among them are:

  • Academic Club :-

    These clubs are dedicated to making the students industry readybyorganizing a plethora of activities around the year. They academic clubwill be organizing of Extension and Expert lectures etc

  • Sport and Recreation Club :-

    The Sport and Recreation Club was set up to encourage student'sparticipation in physical recreational activities. Some of the more popular activities include cricket Basketball khabday etc. Sport and RecreationClub

  • Cultural Clubs :-
    • Dance Club :-

      A Club where students train with professional coaches to learn varioustypes and styles of dances that are exhibited in performances.

    • Music Club :-

      It offers practice spaces and a wide array of instruments which are safelystored; an opportunity for students to come together and discuss music; and a chance to perform and showcase their talents at events throughout the year. Meetings are held at regular intervals to motivate students indeveloping their skills.

    • Theatre Club :-

      The Theatre Club functions with the goal of preparing students todeliver perfect theatrical performances. The club's goal is to help studentsimprove their production and performance skills.

  • Mental Health Club (Yoga) :-

    Mental Health Club aims to promote a culture where conversations about mental health are encouraged and embraced. By raising awareness andoffering support to students, the club aims to empower themto becomeemotionally healthy individuals and contribute etc. This club organizingyoga and meditation activities Lecture Series Workshops etc.

  • Arts and Craft Club :-

    The purpose is to encourage creative expression, create artworkallowstudents to discover new crafts and bring together a group of like-mindedpeople. The club is open for different activities like rangoli, painting, drawing, composition, ceramics, collage and architecture etc. Theartsand craft club organizing poster activities clay Modelling, Glass Painting, Best out of the waste activities, Articles through paper cutting andpaper folding, Post Decoration Rangoli making activities etc.

  • NSS :-

    National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969 with the primaryobjective of developing the personality and character of the student youththrough voluntary community service. ‘Education through Service’ is thepurpose of the NSS. The ideological orientation of the NSS is inspiredbythe ideals of Mahatma Gandhi. Very appropriately, the motto of NSSis “NOT ME, BUT YOU”. An NSS volunteer places the ‘community’ before ‘self’. We have two unites and they are engaged in different social/ culture and out reach activities to develop awareness on Girl childeducation, Hygiene, Pollution etc. NSS activities include UBA, Community and extension activities, Adoption of village under UBA, clean up nieghorhood area etc

  • Media Club :-

    In Media Club, students are equipped with the skills and tools tocommunicate their ideas through different media. Students will learnabout video editing, writing short news bulletins, photographyandanimations etc.

  • Go Green Club :-

    Go Green Club' which is dedicated to spread awareness among the peopleregarding conservation and protection of the environment by organizinggreen events and awareness programs. Go Green Club is associatedSwachhata Bharat Abhiyan (SBA), Plantation and cleanliness activities, Debate, lecture on Environmental Issues ‘No Plastic CampaignComposting Initiative, Sustainable Water Use Segregation of SolidwasteBio-waste management, E-waste management paper waste Recyclingplants etc.

  • Red Ribbon Club :-

    Red Ribbon Club (RRC) is a voluntary on campus intervention is beingimplemented in the University, aiming at heightening their riskperception and preventing HIV as well as promoting voluntaryblooddonation among youth. The Red Ribbone club organizes blood donationcamp provide first aid and relief word during emergency and associatedwith Disaster Management Promotion of Health & Hygiene etc

  • Literary Clubs :-
    • Debate Club :-

      Debate club teaches members how to research, articulate arguments, andclarify ideas. Individuals actively engaging in debate club activities areoften more prepared to speak clearly during interviews, demonstrateaprofessional presence, and clearly explain ideas and abilities.

    • Poetry Club :-

      The Poetry Club is composed of poets, students who aspire to utilize their voices as a form of art and make a difference and express their feelings. This space serves students to explore artistic growth, practice their craft, and expand networks.

    • Quiz :-

      A Quiz club has been functioning in our college with the objectiveof training the students to actively participate in various intercollegiateandstate level competitions. The main purpose of the club is to updatetheknowledge of the students in various fields like academics, general knowledge, analytical abilities, quantitative reasoning, etc. Quizprograms are conducted in each academic year at regular intervals for thebetterment of students. Awards and certificates are distributedtothewinners during the college Annual Day.

  • Gender Champions Club :-

    The broad mandate of a Gender Champion is to provide an integratedandinterdisciplinary approach to understanding the social and cultural constructions of gender that shape the experiences of women and meninsociety. The Gender Champions club is Focused group discussions, Debate, Poster competitions, Discussion on untold stories of extraordinary men and women, Fest on the them of gender equityandequality Painting Competition

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