State Highway 22
Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Admission 2025 - 2026

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Admission Procedure

  1. A student shall be eligible for admission to any course of study offered by the University if she/he fulfills the eligibility criteria and follows the admission process prescribed by the University for the particular course of study.
  2. A student shall also be eligible for admission to any course of study of this University on migration from any other University or Board if she/he has passed an examination equivalent to the examination of this University prescribed by the Ordinances for admission to the concerned course of this University: For transfer of credits please refer to Ordinance (Transfer of Credits) of the University available on the website.
  3. Every student admitted to a Department shall be enrolled by the University on receipt of an application for enrolment from her/him duly forwarded by the concerned Head of the Department: Provided the application for enrolment shall be supported by:
    1. Mark sheet of qualifying examination, in original
    2. No objection certificate, in original;and
    3. Fee, as prescribed by the University.
  4. Application form for admission to the various programs offered by University may be obtained from the admission office or downloaded from the website. The application fee is Rs. 500. (Rs. 1000 for Ph.D.)
  5. Admission of students shall be made strictly on the basis of merit adjudged through All-India Common Entrance Test (CUET UG and PG) or through Jagan Nath University Entrance Test(JUEE), wherever applicable, aimed at assessing knowledge, comprehension and aptitude of the student to pursue higher studies through written test/viva/group discussion /personal interview or a combination of these.
  6. However, provided that in case of courses where the intake of students is small, admission may be made on the basis of the merit adjudged through the marks obtained in the qualifying examination.
  7. The Entrance Examination shall be held at University campus and/or other such places as notified by the University from time to time.
  8. Admissions to the various programs of studies shall be made by the Admission Committee of the concerned Department comprising of the Dean/ HOD as Chairman, and two members nominated by the Vice Chancellor.
  9. The syllabi, format, duration, scheme of evaluation of the entrance examination shall be as per (CUET UG and PG) decided by the University
  10. Minimum qualifications for admission to the programs in various Departments have been prescribed and are available in information brochure/University website.
  11. Only such candidates who have passed an examination of an Indian University/ Board established or recognized by State/Central Government or such other examination as has been recognized equivalent by State/Central Government/ University shall be considered for admission.
  12. The University shall follow reservation policy prescribed by the State Government for private universities for admissions to various courses.
  13. If, at any time, it is discovered that a candidate has made a false or incorrect statement or other fraudulent means have been used for securing admission her/his name shall be removed from the rolls of the University.
  14. The students shall deposit fees as prescribed by the University from time to time on or before the date fixed by the University.
  15. Merit-cum-means scholarships/Haryana Domicile scholarship is available. A student willing to avail this facility will have to apply on prescribed Performa available on the website.
  16. Girl students are allowed 10% concession in tuition fee over and above the merit scholarships.
  17. The other Rules and Regulations regarding payment of fee are given in Ordinance (Fee Payable by the Students) of the University available on the website.
  18. Admission process involves the following steps:
    1. Filling up of application form for admission on prescribed Performa and a payment of Rs. 200 as an application fee.
    2. Appearing in Jagan Nath University Entrance Examination (JUEE) followed by GD/PF at a centre fixed by the University, wherever applicable.
    3. Visit to the campus, if required.
    4. Issue of admission letter.
    5. Deposit of fee and issue of enrolment letter.
    6. Commencement of Semester w.e.f. 01-08-2024.
  19. The following documents are required to be submitted at the time of depositing the fee:
    1. Self attested copies of 10th and 12th mark sheets.
    2. Self attested copies of qualifying examination/entrance examination, wherever applicable.
    3. Proof of residence.
    4. 4 passport size photographs.
    5. Photocopy of Aadhar Card.
  20. For admission enquiry, the students may contact the following:
    1. University Admission Office, JaganNath University, Bahadurgarh-Jhajjar Road, State Highway -22, Haryana - 124507
    2. Information Centre, JIMS, Sector-3, Plot No.-2, Community Centre, Rohini 110085 Reservation of Seats
  21. Minimum of 25% seats for admission in the University shall be reserved for students of the State of Haryana, out of which 10% seats shall be reserved for students belonging to Scheduled Castes of the State of Haryana.
  22. The fee structure for the 25% of the students who are domicile of Haryana shall be based on merit-cum-means and be as follows:
    1. One fifth of the 25% shall be granted full tuition fee concession.
    2. Two fifth of the 25% shall be granted 50% tuition fee concession.
    3. The balance two fifth of the 25% shall be granted 25% tuition fee concession.
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