Vice Chancellor's Message

Prof. (Dr.). Prasad Rao
P. V. V.
Dear Students,
As Vice Chancellor, I extend a warm welcome to the Jagannath University, Delhi NCR, Bahadurgarh. I am pleased to inform that our University offers the students excellent and comprehensive educational services, as well as a vast selection of extra curricular activities. The programs offered by the University are taught by well qualified, dedicated and highly experienced faculty who recognize specific requirements of students and accordingly groom them as best citizens.
We strongly believe and promote that educating girl childis themosteffective development plan. Our majority of teacher are femaleandtheywill help / guide the students to reach their dreams, aspirations byservingasrole models, mentors and caregivers. The University providesspecialscholarship and incentives to promote girl’s education.
Our University committed to its vision and mission of knowledgecreationthrough research and innovation by providing dynamiclearningenvironment. To take care of each student, we extend full sport andguidance to all the students in both academic and non academic activities.
I extend my best wishes to all our students, faculty and staff andlookforward to greater level of achievements.
I wish utmost success in all your endeavors!